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Andrew Lothian (B.Comm/B.Sc, Hons Ecology, BAM Accredited Assessor BAAS18110, NSW AUSRIVAS Accredited, ECANSW CPEC, MECANSW, MNSWRZS, MAMS, MABS, MNSWBird Atlassers)

Biodiversity Monitoring Services
Biodiversity Monitoring Services
Biodiversity Monitoring Services


Andrew Lothian began running fauna projects while still at university. After completing a double degree and first class honours in 2007, he continued to provide research and teaching services to the University of NSW (UNSW), Sydney University (USYD), the University of Wollongong (UWOL), NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and the Department of Primary Industries Vertebrate Pest Research Unit. These services included coordinating and running fauna research projects, and teaching field trips on how to undertake fauna surveys (experimental design, animal handling, animal identification etc.).


In 2017 Andrew took over as director of BMS and has been working for the business for over 15 years.  Andrew has been involved in operations that include infrastructure corridors such as roads, gas pipelines and linear infrastructure, as well as impact and offset projects for various mining projects. They include:


  • Targeted surveys for EPBC and BOS credit/threatened species

  • Impact assessment surveys

  • Biodiversity Development Assessment Reports (BDAR)

  • Subsidence monitoring for underground mining operations

  • Open cut rehabilitation and offset areas

  • Infrastructure corridors

  • Ultrasonic bat call analysis

  • AUSRIVAS bioassessment (NSW Accreditation)

  • Nest box construction and installation.


Andrew has published papers on both cave roosting bat roost monitoring, and mammalian responses to fire on Newnes Plateau.


As principal ecologist for BMS, Andrew has been responsible for sourcing and coordinating staff, developing WHS/OHS policies, planning and executing field trips, reporting and liaising with clients. Andrew attained his NSW BAM Accreditation in June 2018.  In 2020 he became a Certified Practicing Ecological Consultant under the Ecological Consultants Association of NSW.


Andrew has been on the executive council for the ECANSW since 2014. He currently holds the position of President, having previously held positions of Treasurer and 1st Vice President. He is a member of the Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Australian Mammal Society and the Australasian Bat Society, and maintains close connections with those in the research/university fields.

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