Biodiversity Monitoring Services
Glenn Hoye (B.Eng/B.Sc, MABS)
After an early career in mining, Glenn left to focus on his passion - bats. Since 1980, Glenn has been conducting surveys and research on bats throughout Australasia. This has included trips to NSW, Queensland, Northern Territory, Tasmania, Lord Howe Island, New Zealand, Melanesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. From 1992 to 2020 he has run a successful consultancy specialising in bat surveys and advice - Fly By Night Bat Surveys. After working closely with BMS on many projects, Glenn joins the BMS team in 2020.
Glenn's experience includes:
Target bat surveys
Environmental impact assessment
Species Impact Statements
Bat related projects for various RMS roads projects across NSW
Long term monitoring of threatened microbats at various cola mines in the upper Hunter Valley
Bat call analysis
Contibutions to many refernce publications on bats
Contributions to the development of the Survey guidelines for Australia's threatened bats - Guidelines for detecting bats listed as threatened under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (DEWHA 2010)
Glenn has published many papers on the ecology of microbats, including presentations at various conferences.