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Current Projects

BMS have conducted fauna surveys and impact assessments for a variety of projects including mines, residential subdivisions, pipelines, roads, bridges, airports, golf courses, kangaroo control, water management, dams and tourism developments.


The projects listed below are just some of the current projects that BMS are working on. Check out our Facebook page to see our most recent discoveries.

Anchor 6
BMS Ecoear early prototype

BMS Ecoear early prototype

BMS Ecoear early prototype mounted in tree



Ecoear device mounted in tree

Broad-nosed Bat tracking

Broad-nosed Bat tracking

Major mitchell's cockatoo

Major mitchell's cockatoo

Greater Bilby emerging from burrow

Greater Bilby emerging from burrow

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Letter-winged Kite roost

Letter-winged Kite roost

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Long-haired Rat

Long-haired Rat

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Spencer's Monitor

Spencer's Monitor

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Inland Taipan

Inland Taipan

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Dingo pups on the prowl

Dingo pups on the prowl

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Letter-winged Kite

Letter-winged Kite

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Broad-banded Sand-swimmer

Broad-banded Sand-swimmer

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Barn Owl exiting Coolabah hollow

Barn Owl exiting Coolabah hollow

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Australian Bustard

Australian Bustard

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Central Short-tailed Mouse

Central Short-tailed Mouse

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Research Projects

BMS has been involved in a number of research projects, including:

  • Development of an automated acoustic recording device for use with koala and other target species

  • Monitoring changes in activity and breeding roost usage as a result of proximity to open cut and underground mining operations (Eastern Cave Bat and Large-eared Pied Bat)

  • Changes in adit use by Large Bent-winged Bat as open cut mining approaches

  • Bird surveys relating to DPI grazing exclusion experiment in the rangelands of western NSW

  • Radio tracking displaced microbats to new roosts

  • Greater Bilby response to predators

Anchor 7
Harp trapping

Harp trapping

Harp trap set up outside of cave

Jewelled Gecko hiding in spinifex

Jewelled Gecko hiding in spinifex

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Fat-tailed Dunnart

Fat-tailed Dunnart

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Inspecting potential nest hollows

Inspecting potential nest hollows

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Marble-headed Delma

Marble-headed Delma

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Very large old black box tree

Very large old black box tree

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Schomburgk's Skink

Schomburgk's Skink

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Major Mitchell's Cockatoo feeding

Major Mitchell's Cockatoo feeding

Biodiversity Monitoring Services



Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Biodiversity Offset Assessments


BMS have investigated parcels of land for:

  • Target cave roosting bats in the upper Hunter and central tablelands

  • Squirrel glider habitat on the western slopes

  • A range of bird, mammal and reptile species in the spinifex country near Pooncarie

Anchor 3
Superb Parrot nesting in Red Gum paddock tree

Superb Parrot nesting in Red Gum paddock tree

Superb Parrot2

Superb Parrot2

Inspecting overhangs for Horseshoe bat

Inspecting overhangs for Horseshoe bat

Biodiversity Monitoring Services



Biodiversity Monitoring Services



Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Adit trapping Eastern Bentwing-bat

Adit trapping Eastern Bentwing-bat

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Reptile funnels

Reptile funnels

Biodiversity Monitoring Services



Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Pitfall trapping

Pitfall trapping

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Rainbow Bee-eater

Rainbow Bee-eater

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Harp trap

Harp trap

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Southern Boobook

Southern Boobook

Biodiversity Monitoring Services

Impact Assessments


BMS have conducted broad surveys for threatened species for mine modifications near Pooncarie and Orange. Investigations involved targeting BOS Credit Species and associated habitat, and assessing the scale and impact of the loss.

We have also been working on impact assessment of cave-roosting bat species on Wilpinjong and Moolarban leases. This involves cliffline mapping, roost inspection and population assessments for Large-eared Pied Bat, Eastern Cave Bat and Large Bent-winged Bat.

Anchor 4
Local Jobs

BMS have prepared both BDARs and fauna flora reports in order to satisfy Lithgow, Bathurst and Blue Mountains and Central Coast Council requirements for residential development applications.

Since the 2019 bushfires we have run various community projects on eastern pygmy-possums, endangered swamps and insectivorous bats. This has included talks at a bushfire recovery conference and local “Bioblitz” nights.

This work is on top of our ongoing fauna monitoring work on Newnes Plateau for Centennial Coal.

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